Is Low Carb High Fat Diet the Right Choice?

Do we switch to high fat diets now? Not so fast! Let’s look at what we are eating. Does your diet contain a variety of fruit, vegetables and whole grains? Or are you eating highly processed foods? Fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain many nutrients our bodies require.  The quantity, consumed of these foods, is the problem. How much is too much? I’m all for a balanced diet. When we eat too much of one food group, trouble begins.

According to Dr. David Perlmutter lower carbohydrate diets are better for heart and immune systems. Wait a minute? Let’s take a moment to examine this. If your diet is too high in carbohydrates, the excess carbohydrates will get stored as fat. This will increase your risk for heart disease. A balanced diet with the inclusion of good fats is a better choice. The key word is good fats. Some examples of good fats are :

Plant oils:Hemp oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, canola oil, grape seed oil

Nuts and seeds

cold water fish: salmon, trout, tuna and mackerel

Remember a little goes a long way. Look at your portions

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